Prospect 2018 Google Drive 電影 小鴨 在线
Prospect-2018 小鴨 在线-豆瓣-momovod-台灣上映-字幕-小鴨-英文.jpg
Prospect 2018 Google Drive 電影 小鴨 在线
Prospect (电影 2018) | |
持续时间 | 129 片刻 |
发表 | 2018-10-02 |
品德 | 杜比数字 720P HDTV |
类型 | Science Fiction |
语言表达能力 | English |
派(角色) | Jenil C. Meyers, Lycia S. Nahel, Lida I. Steeven |
(工作)队 - Prospect 2018 Google Drive 電影 小鴨 在线
A teenage girl and her father travel to a remote alien moon, aiming to strike it rich. They've secured a contract to harvest a large deposit of the elusive gems hidden in the depths of the moon's toxic forest. But there are others roving the wilderness and the job quickly devolves into a fight to survive.
This film knocked my socks off, since it was exactly the kind of hard science-fiction that I often read as a young man. In it, we are transported to a future time when space travel is commonplace; in this movie we see a man and his daughter who are hard-scrabble people trying to get by in life, but not wealthy. They are prospectors, and hope to strike it rich on a planet where breathing the air is deadly, so the atmosphere has to be filtered & atmosphere suits must be worn when outside.
The planet is spectacularly real. The airborne spores can be seen, and we are shown their deadly effect; most of the action takes place while wearing the suits which filter out those deadly spores. This film impressed me mostly for its realism; the suits were well-worn, the spacecraft were also, and much of their equipment had to be jury-rigged to be useful.
The actors did a great job; Cee (Sopie Thatcher) was a natural, and totally believable, and had good chemistry with Ezra (Pedro Pascal) who really carried the movie; he sometimes reminded me of Nathan Fillian in Firefly. I would've preferred a bit more background on their characters, and a few times I was unimpressed by their emotional reaction to certain events, but those are minor quibbles about an excellent film, which I urge all lovers of hard science-fiction to enjoy, as I certainly did!
As there are so very few real sci-fi movies to compare it with, I give this film 5/5; it's excellent!
This film is an excellent example of a low budget, realistic, drama Sci-Fi. It's not an action Sci-Fi so don't expect it to be one. It is a drama, style is somewhat reminiscent of some of the old classics where technology is still quite basic and mechanical. It is not a western but it is analogous to the pioneering days of young western cultures like USA or Australia when times were tough and prospecting could send you back to the heart of the empire either filthy rich or in a coffin. This is by no means an epic tale but it is one of millions of stories that could have been told throughout recent history or may even be told in times to come.
協調美術系 : Evah Arjean
特技協調員 : Sajid Maren
Skript Aufteilung :Alka Sherill
附圖片 : Isela Renant
Co-Produzent : Tamer Dulce
執行製片人 : Kaiya Annot
監督藝術總監 : Helène Wardat
產生 : Aveline Mubin
Hersteller : Ieisha Lila
表演者 : Kaitlin Houle
Film kurz
花費 : $809,739,633
收入 : $572,577,337
分類 : 好極了船 - 心理健康, 幻想 - 詩歌, 反派 - 獨立
生產國 : 意大利
生產 : 360 Magazine
Prospect 2018 Google Drive 電影 小鴨 在线
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